
Boys and Girls Club Doing Good Work

Published December 18, 2019 16:31


Great things are happening for kids in the Louis Riel School Division!

There are two Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg (BGCW) in Ward 2, with one located at Victor Mager School and one that was started in 2018 at the Rene Deleurme Centre at Lavallee School. These clubs provide after-school recreation in a safe and welcoming environment for kids from ages six to 18. The Lavallee location is also open during the weekend. These clubs have access to the school’s gyms, kitchens, multi-purpose rooms, playgrounds and fields, and I know first-hand that the kids at Lavallee love playing on the newly refurbished basketball court!

In addition to the regular drop-in schedule, the BGCW also offers enhanced programs such as basketball, soccer, dance and art club. A glance at the calendar shows a lot of fun activities every day, including puppet making, science experiments and movies. These programs support and encourage healthy lifestyles and social skills that can help individuals succeed in life.

All of these activities are free of charge and guided by dedicated and trained professional staff and volunteers. Access to these services provides a safe environment for kids to play in. It also provides families who can’t afford after-school recreational activities a chance for their kids to have fun, grow and learn while surrounded by positive role models.

There is a wonderful and diverse community in St. Vital and LRSD Ward 2 and these programs offer kids from all backgrounds access to opportunities that can lower the barriers to achieving future success in life. These clubs are in place as a result of consultation and feedback from the local communities who expressed a desire for better afterschool recreation.

The clubs are financially supported by the division as well as other partners such as the Winnipeg Foundation and Riel-Evate, LRSD’s charitable foundation.

All of this is just a wordy way of saying that kids at the BGCW in Ward 2 have a lot of fun! One of the best things about being a school trustee is seeing kids enjoying themselves and learning, and that’s what these clubs are all about!

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